Dr.-Ing. Oliver Ferschke


About me

I am a Technical Manager at Solventum (formerly 3M M*Modal) in Pittsburgh, PA where I lead engineering and research teams working on solutions for improving clinical documentation integrity and intelligent conversational agents to support clinical documentation. I have an interdisciplinary background that covers computer science, traditional and computational linguistics, human computer interaction, digital humanities and the learning sciences.

Until August 2016, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Language Technologies Institute <School of Computer Science < Carnegie Mellon University, where I co-directed a working group to improve social learning in MOOCs with NLP-based interventions and furthermore spearheaded the development of DiscourseDB, a universal and comprehensive discourse representation for discourse analyses in the learning sciences, social sciences and beyond. 

In July 2014, I graduated from the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab < Department of Computer Science < Technische Universität Darmstadt with a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in computer science. My PhD thesis focused on NLP-supported approaches to information quality management in open online collaboration platforms such as Wikipedia. Before that, I received a Master's degree in English linguistics (Magister Artium) and a teaching degree in computer science and English (Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien) from the University of Würzburg.